A 43-year-old wife and mother of three minor children saw Dr. Samir Kumar at Nephrology Associates because she had been diagnosed with elevated protein levels in her urine. Lab tests ordered by Dr. Kumar reflected an abnormal protein level with a detection of IGG (lambda) monoclonal immunoglobulin — results that were consistent with Nancy having a Stage II or II Myeloma in its early phases of evolution. However, Dr. Kumar did nothing in response to the abnormal labs and did not inform Nancy of the abnormal results. Nancy went on to develop Amyloidosis, a complication of Myeloma, and died three years later. We brought suit on behalf of her surviving spouse and children and secured a $1.85 million settlement for the physician's negligence and failure in the accepted standard of care.

$1.85 Million

B. v. Kumar, et al.

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